Is It Time for You to Consider Lawn Maintenance Services?

Why does my lawn smell like rotting grass?

If you have been noticing a foul smell coming from your lawn, make sure to call professional lawn maintenance services immediately. The smell of rotten eggs and rotten grass can be very disturbing and might even make you and your family feel unsafe. Here are a few things you need to know about it:

Caused by micro-organisms

The smell of rotten eggs and rotten grass is caused when the micro-organisms in the soil decompose the organic matter in the soil. The odor can be very strong when the soil has been left for a long time. The smell might also be caused because of a dead plant, tree stump, or root in your lawn. In order to avoid this kind of issue, you should have your lawn treated with the right lawn care products.

Why should I have my lawn treated?

Your lawn can be a great source of enjoyment for your family. However, the lawn can also be a place where pests and diseases can breed if you do not maintain it properly. When your lawn starts to die or when you notice that your lawn is starting to smell bad, it is time to call a professional lawn service provider. The professional lawn service provider will be able to provide you with a maintenance program that will help you preserve the beauty of your lawn. The lawn care professionals know what they are doing, so you can be sure that your lawn will be in good hands.

Do you need professional lawn service in South Lyon, MI? If you are in South Lyon, MI, you should contact Deans Lawn Care LLC at (231) 241-4647. Our company is a well-known name when it comes to professional lawn services. Do not hesitate to contact us today! For more information about our company and the lawn maintenance services that we offer, call us today!